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My name is Shane Meyer and I am a fifth year student at Northeastern University majoring in Mechanical Engineering and graduating in May 2024. I have used my engineering skills in both the work force and for personal projects. I wanted my portfolio to be more than just who I am at work and to also showcase who I am on my own.

I grew up in Ridgefield, Connecticut, where I played volleyball and basketball growing up and still do at my gym on campus. During my college years I have found new interests such as golf and snowboarding which I do when I have the time in my schedule. One hobby of mine that has stuck with me for my entire life is making things. It started out with legos then progressed to tools and working on my dad's car, and now I build furniture that I use in my daily life. 

Most recently I was on co-op at Coravin where I am a Mechanical Engineering co-op. At Coravin I work closely with a team of 5 engineers. I mostly do design and test engineering, but will do any project required of me. I have worked on CAD development for our next prototype, created new parts for our current design in production, and tested new materials and designs for the team. I also hand fabricate and 3D print prototype parts and test fixtures using FormLabs SLA printers and a machine shop. I have helped create validation and quality tests as well as creating and performing a reliability test on my own for our current design.


During my time at Northeastern I have completed two previous co-ops and did research for a summer. My previous co-op was SharkNinja where I worked on the Shark Advanced Development team in the floor care section. I worked on a small team of six engineers but worked with many other departments to achieve my goals. I created proof-of-concept prototypes with SolidWorks, 3D printing, and hand fabrication. I was given pain points by our marketing team and created new technologies that would alleviate these problems. Over the summer of 2022 I did research for Northeastern's Mobile Robotic Control Laboratory on campus. During this I worked closely with a professor and two graduate students to analyze a robots movements. I wrote a script to correct the left and right motors by applying an error function in Arduino that responded in real time. My first co-op was a passion of mine and that was designing car parts for BorgWarner. During my time at BorgWarner I was apart of the VCT Product Engineering team where I designed and tested various prototypes. I analyzed assembly processes and reported all of my findings to the team. I worked closely with a team of co-ops and engineers to collaborate on projects and finish our goals on time. 

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